Scanner Technical Note & Referencing Guideline

Scanner Information

Philips MR7700 3T Whole Body MRI
Bore diameter & length 70cm & 130cm
Gradients Max Amplitude = 65 mT/m
Max Slew = 220mT/m/ms
Fastest Rise Time = 0.295 msec
RF transmit Body Coil Integrated volume coil
Max Transmit Field B1peak = 22 microtesla
B1+rms = 2.3 microtesla
Current software version R5.9 (as of Jan 30, 2024, please contact us to confirm)
DDAS system with MultiBand SENSE
Multi-nuclear spectrometer capabilities 1H, 2H, 31P, 13C, 23Na, 19F &129Xe


RF coils
  • 32 channel head coil
  • 15 channel neurovascular coil
  • RAPID Biomedical single channel dual tuned 1H/23Na & 1H/31P coils
  • Anterior torso coil, posterior torso/spine coil in table
  • 16 channel transmit/receive knee coil
  • 8 channel ankle coil
  • 8 channel shoulder coil
  • 8 channel wrist coil
  • 8ch small extremity coil
  • Flex coils (small, medium, large)
  • RAPID Biomedical 8 channel head array coil

How to Acknowledge the UBC MRI Research Centre

Please refer to the example text below to acknowledge the UBC MRI Research centre, our Research Resource ID, and support from the CFI. Including these acknowledgements will ensure that UBC MRI Research is recognized as a key resource in UBC’s research community and will promote institutional support and future funding to enable us to update and expand our infrastructure.

Example – This work was performed with the support of UBC MRI Research (RRID: SCR_025374), a core facility within the Department of Radiology in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of British Columbia, which was established with funding from the Canadian Foundation for Innovation. 

What to Write in Your Methods Section

Please find below examples of how to describe scans acquired at UBC MRI Research: 
Note: Replace parameters in “[ ]” with those specific to your study as applicable.

Scanner and Coil  

Images were acquired with a Philips 3T [Ingenia Elition X between Jan 2019 and Jan 2024;  MR7700 since Jan 2024] whole body MRI system (Philips Healthcare, Best, The Netherlands), using a [insert coil used here, usually the 32-channel head coil for the brain and a 15-channel head-neck coil with a 12-channel posterior spine coil for the spine].   


The sequences were obtained with [# mm isotropic resolution, or resolution of # by #] with [#] mm thick slices and a FOV of [# x # x #] acquired in the [axial/axial oblique/sagittal/coronal] plane. 

VBRAIN 3DT1 0.8mm isotropic 

T1 weighted images of the whole brain were acquired using 3D MPRAGE with the following parameters: [flip angle = 8°, TE/TR = 4.3/2400 ms, inversion time = 950 ms, slices = 225, FOV 256 x 256 x 180 mm3, resolution = 0.8 mm3  isotropic with compressed SENSE factor of 3.6 for a total acquisition time of 5:50]. 

Diffusion Imaging 128dir 

Multi-shell DWI was acquired using single spin-echo echo-planar images [with a multiband acceleration factor of 3. A total of 75 slices and 128 volumes (12xb0, 24xb500, 36Xb1000, 56xb2000) were sampled and interleaved with the following parameters: TE = 79ms, TR = 4000ms, isotropic voxel size of 2mm with a zero mm gap, with a FOV of 224mm]. 


[8 min] of resting fMRI data were acquired with an echo-planar imaging sequence with [2.5 × 2.5 × 2.5 mm3 resolution, 240mm FOV, 2000ms TR, 30ms TE, 62 slices with a zero mm gap, 77° flip angle, parallel imaging Sense 2 and Multiband 2].  


[GRASE] sequence was used to acquire a 3D pseudo continuous arterial spin labelling (pCASL) images using the following parameters: [TR/TE = 4000/12 ms, flip angle = 90°, voxel size = 3.75 × 4.0 × 4.0 mm3, 21 slices, for 5 dynamics, post label delay = 2.0 s, label duration = 1.8s and number of phase encoding steps = 60].   

For questions about citing and referencing UBC MRI Research in publications, please contact UBC Research MRI.