How do I get started?

If you are interested in starting a project with us, the first step is to contact our Scientific Engineer Andrew Yung (, to set up an initial meeting to discuss project goals and imaging strategies.  If resources permit, an initial testing of the MR acquisition technique is offered on a normal/naïve animal (ex vivo or in vivo) on a case-by-case basis, if we consider it useful to refine the recommended scan protocol.

The user will be asked to get appropriate research ethics and safety approval, and to fill out a project proposal form which will receive feedback from our protocol review committee.  A reduced pilot scan rate may be awarded for a small number of scan hours, to allow initial assessment of the experiment’s suitability for a user’s particular disease model.  If the data requires significant post-processing and analysis by our staff, an estimate for the labour cost will also be provided.  The experiment may commence once a Rate Agreement has been signed.