Imaging Rates

Effective as of April 1st, 2024 our peer review funded project rates have increased, please see the statement from our director on February 20th 2024 MRI scanning Fee increase from April 2024.

SituationDescriptionRate (CDN)
Standard RateFor most studies, including peer reviewed funded studies.$660/hour
Industry RateNegotiated on an individual study basis with sponsor.

In addition to the cost per subject booking, the Rate Agreement will include a study start-up fee (technologist training, protocol development, and local admin costs). Note that any phantom or volunteer scan needed for QA or scanner certification will be charged at the subject booking rate.
Pilot Rate– Awarded when scanner time is required for testing MR protocols and  fMRI paradigms.
– Awarded for short studies to generate results to use for a funding application.
Negotiated on an individual study basis with sponsor
Technical Development TimeAwarded for developing MR sequences and protocols which expand the capabilities of the MR scanner.No charge
MR Spectroscopy Analysis The rate for this service will be dependent upon the complexity of the study.Determined on an individual study basis
Radiology ReportRadiology Report$160 per report
Data ProcessingSWI data processing$150 per subject
No Charge CancellationsIf cancelled:
With more than 5 working days’ notice.
With less than 5 working days’ notice and another centre researcher books the vacated time slot.
For personal illness (no time limit).
For weather & environmental conditions unsafe for travel (no time limit).
No Charge
All Other CancellationsWith less than 5 working days’ notice without the vacated time slot being filled by another researcher (includes no show, unable to perform exam).

Cost of the booking

Contrast MediaGadovist (gadobutrol) (Bayer Inc.)$75 per 7.5ml
Power InjectorSyringe sets for Power Injector (Medrad)$30 per set
Tours/FilmingStandard rate applies, with options for reduced rates or donated time for UBC, other educational, or charitable organizations. Please contact to discuss.