Imaging/Project Costs

Our facility operates on a cost recovery basis to support maintenance, operations and staffing.

SituationDescriptionRate (CDN)
Standard RateFor most studies, including grant-funded research$300/hour
(one hour minimum)
Industry RateFor industry-sponsored researchNegotiated
(one hour minimum)
Pilot RateAwarded when scanner time is required to test the feasibility of using existing MR techniques to carry out a funded research project, or to generate results to use for a funding application (8 hours maximum) $175/hour
(one hour minimum) Grant Supported
Technical Development TimeAwarded for developing MR protocols which expand the capabilities of the MR scannerNo charge
MR Data AnalysisWhen Imaging Centre researchers are applying for funds for MR scanning, they should also plan/budget for the analysisNegotiated
Specialty SuppliesAny specialty items beyond the regular sundry supplies used for preparing the animal/specimen for scanning and/or anaesthesiaCharge per item
added to bill
Ex vivo Scan FeeFor long scans of ex vivo tissue which require long scan times to achieve sufficient SNR/resolution but with minimal operator interaction, the fee is charged per specimenNegotiated