P-24-003_"Muscle-lipids-DMD". The Effects of Ezetimibe on Muscle Lipid Composition in Mouse Models of Muscular Dystrophy | Pascal Bernatchez | Pharmacology | 2024 |
P-24-002_"Knee-MTR”. “Studying human knee cartilage mechanics using the magnetisation transfer ratio. | David Wilson | Orthopaedics | 2024 |
P-24-001_"Muscle-Stretch". Measurement of Passive Mechanical Properties of Whole Skeletal Muscle Using MRI | Thomas Oxland | ICORD | 2024 |
Investigating proenkephalin as a biomarker for neuroprotective therapies in Huntington disease | Michael Hayden | Centre for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics | 2021 |
Examining the spatiotemporal propagation of spreading depolarization (SD) in Kcna1 null mouse model of temporal lobe epilepsy using Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DW-MRI) | Terrance Snutch | Centre for Brain health | 2019 |
NR1H3 KI Mice- Pilot study. Myelin content in a newly developed animal model of Multiple Sclerosis. | Carles Vilarino-Guell | Medical Genetics | 2019 |
Quantification of Tissue Microstructure with Diffusion Basis Spectrum Imaging | Shannon Kolind | Neurology | 2018 |
Exploring the effects of uniQURE (intrastriatal AAV5-miHtt) on MRS signal and huntingtin levels in the Q175 mouse model of HD. | Blair Leavitt | Centre for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics | 2018 |
Quantitative MRI of Preclinical Model of Spinal Cord Injury. | Wolf Tetzlaff | ICORD | 2018 |
Optimization Based Multicomponent-Acquisition for Magnetic Resonance Elastography | Piotr Kozlowski | MRI Research Centre | 2018 |
In vivo and post mortem myelin characterization in multiple sclerosis: inhomogeneous magnetization transfer and myelin water fraction. | Piotr Kozlowski | MRI Research Centre | 2018 |
Extracting oxygen-enhancing components from OE-MRI using ICA | Stefan Reinsberg | Physics & Astronomy | 2018 |
Ex vivo evaluation of intervertebral disc mechanics using diffusion imaging on the 7T MR Scanner in both healthy and degenerated discs | David Wilson | Hip Health | 2018 |
Histological Validation of Quantitative MRI in Human Spinal Cord Injury | Cornelia Laule | ICORD | 2018 |
A new method for Measuring Joint Mechanics (knee cartilage) | David Wilson | Orthopaedic Engineering | 2017 |
MR Changes after Repeated Concussion in Rats Using CHIMERA | Cheryl Wellington | Pathology and Lab Medicine | 2016 |
Bone Metastasis in Renal Cell Carcinoma | Alan So | Urologic Sciences | 2016 |
Neurobiological Correlates of TMS | Doris Doudet and Lara Body | Neurology | 2015 |
MRI-CEST Imaging in a Mouse Model of HD | Blair Leavitt | CMMT | 2015 |
The Impact of Autonomic Dysreflexia on Cerebral Health in Spinal Cord Injury | Andrei Krassioukov | Physical Med & Rehab | 2015 |
Pilot cardiac function post-SCI study | Chris West | ICORD | 2015 |
Ex Vivo MRI of Pig Model of Spinal Cord Injury | Brian Kwon | ICORD | 2015 |
Title3D Study of Human Fetal Craniofacial Development Mid Trimester | Joy Richman | Dentistry | 2015 |
Correlating lesion size with cognitive flexibility | Jeremy Seamans | Brain Research Centre | 2014 |
Mechanisms of Spinal Cord Injury - Correlations Between Tissue Damage and MRI Patterns in the Acute Post-Injury Phase | Thomas Oxland | ICORD | 2014 |
Assessing Cranial Deformities in Growth-Accelerated Transgenic Coho Salmon | Robert Devlin | DFO | 2014 |
MRI Assessment of Brain Structure Changes in YAC128 Mice Lacking Caspase-6 in Adulthood | Michael Hayden | CMMT | 2014 |
Effects of Frontal TBI opn Attention and Impulsivity | Catharine Winstanley | Psychology | 2014 |
Iron oxide-lipid nanoparticles as MRI contrast agents | Pieter Cullis | Molecular Biology | 2014 |
19F MRI of PFC-Labelled monocyte/macrophages in response to SSI (Site-specific immodulators) | Marcel Thalen | Qu Biologics | 2013 |
Characterizing Myelin in Multiple Sclerosis Diffusely Abnormal White Matter | Corree Laule/Wayne Moore | Pathology | 2013 |
Evaluating Pregabalin Mediated Inhibition of Cortical Spreading Depression (CSD) Using Diffusion-Weighted mRI (dMRI) | Terrence Snutch | Michael Smith Laboratories, UBC | 2013 |
Woodpeckers and the Biomechanics of Concussion | Robert Shadwick | Zoology | 2013 |
fMRI of Anna's Hummingbird (Calypte anna) motor nuclei | Douglas Altshuler | Zoology | 2012 |
characterization of a Novel Rat Model of Leptin Deficiency | Timothy Kieffer | Surgery | 2012 |
Investigating Alzheimer's markers through eye examination | Marinko Sarunic | Engineering - SFU | 2012 |
Longitudinal Study of the YAC128 Huntington Disease Mouse Model Assessing Brain Metabolite changes and Brain Iron Content | Blair Leavitt | Molecular Medicine | 2012 |
Ex Vivo Spinal MRI of Porcine Model of Spinal Cord Injury | Brian Kwon | ICORD | 2012 |
Pilot investigation of MRI for assessment of mild repetitive brain injury in mice | Cheryl Wellington | Pathology & Laboratory Medicine | 2011 |
CRA: MRI Tracking of HA-based dermal implant volume: Longevity Study | Denis van Epps | Allergan | 2010 |
Vascular MRI Characterization of Tumours for the Prediction of Trastuzumab Distribution | Stefan Reinsberg | Physics & Astronomy | 2010 |
52Mn PET Development and Correlation with manganese-enhanced MRI | Vesna Sossi | Physics and Astronomy | 2010 |
Targetting the Vasculature of Colorectal tumors with Irinophore CTM | Donald Yapp | BCCA | 2010 |
Ex Vivo MRI of clinically relevant mechanisms of spinal cord injury | Piotr Kozlowski | MRI Research Centre | 2010 |
Method Development for DCE-MRI in mouse models of cancer | Piotr Kozlowski | MRI Research Centre | 2010 |
DCE-MRI in intracranial mouse model of glioblastoma: effectof Irinophore CTM | Marcel Bally | BCCRC | 2010 |
DTI of the excised prostate gland | Piotr Kozlowski | MRI Research Centre | 2010 |
Blood flow distribution in crocodilians | David Jones | Zoology | 2010 |
Allergan - dermal filler longevity Study B | Denis van Epps | Allergan | 2010 |
Allergan - dermal filler longevity Study D | Denis van Epps | Allergan | 2010 |
Effects of Insulin Gene Dosage on Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes | James Johnson | Surgery | 2009 |
The influence of advanced age on spinal cord and spinal canal geometry in a rat model | Thomas Oxland | Orthopaedic Engineering | 2009 |
Development of a 7T MR elastography system | Tim Salcudean | Electrical Computer Engineering | 2009 |
CRA: MRI tracking of HA-Based dermal implant volume: longevity study | Dennis van Epps | Allergan | 2009 |
Molecular Bioprobes for Imaging of Mesothelioma | Urs Hafeli | Pharmaceutical Sciences | 2009 |
Intracellular pH regulation during hypercarbia in white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus | Colin Brauner | Zoology | 2009 |
Functional resonance imaging and analysis of seizure initiation and propagation in a rodent model of absence epilepsy | Terrence Snutch | Michaelc Smith Laboratories, UBC | 2009 |
Biomechanical analysis of spinal cord injury in a rat model: Correlations between MRI-based strain fields and histological analysis | Thomas Oxland | Orthopaedic Engineering | 2009 |
Physiological Role of P-Glycoprotein in regulaiton gastroinstestinal absorption and cellular transport of cholestrol | Kishor Wasan | Pharmaceutical Sciences | 2009 |
Regulation of adipocyte progenitors proliferation in vivo | Fabio Rossi | Brain Research Centre | 2009 |
Reversing Diabetes by Inestinal Bypass | Timothy Kieffer | Surgery | 2008 |
Altered lipid Metabolism - cardiovascular dysfunction in rats with SCI | Andrei Krassioukov | Physical Med & Rehab | 2008 |
Role of toll-like receptor signaling in beta-cell function and development | Bruce Vechere | Child and Family Research Institute | 2008 |
Necrosis avid MRI contrast agents in reperfused rat myocardial infarct model | Ken Curry | RF Therapeutics | 2008 |
Determining 2D-transverse strain fields in the porcine spinal cord using two methods: MR-based 'texture corrleaiton' and CT-based discrete bead motion | Thomas Oxland | Orthopaedic Engineering | 2008 |
Image Analysis to Determine Rat Spinal Cord Deformation In Vivo | Peter Cripton | Engineering | 2007 |
Investigation of muscle and skeletal tissue in fish | Robert Shadwick | Zoology | 2007 |
Determining he effects of maximum tolerated does and metronomicgencitabine on the tumour microenvironment in pancreatic cancer | Sylvia Ng | BC Cancer Research | 2007 |
Concurrent assessment of cardiac function and high-energy phosphates in rat heart by MRI/MRS | Kathleen McLeod | Pharmaceutical Sciences | 2007 |
Stearoyl-CaA destaurase genetics and biology: tissue-specific function and role in dyslipidemia and susceptibility to artherosclerosis | Michael Hayden | Centre for Molecular Medicine | 2006 |
Myelin water imaging at high field: pathological correlates in formalin fixed brain | Wayne Moore | Pathology | 2006 |
Measuring body composition in mice receiving a GLP-1 cell therapy | Tim Kieffer | Surgery | 2006 |
Monitoring vascular shutdown due to Tirapaziamine treatment in tumour xenogreafts | Stefan Reinsberg/Andrew Minchinton | Physics and Astronomy/BCCA | 2006 |
Targeting Mitosis for Cancer Therapy | Michel Roberge | Biochemistry | 2006 |
Effect of acetabular labral tears, repair and resection on hip cartilage loading: a 7T study | David Wilson | Orthopaedic Engineering | 2006 |
Ex Vivo bladder tumour volume | Martin Gleave | Prostate Centre | 2006 |
MRI labeling for human retinal pigment epithelial cells: in vitro development of a potential method for in vivo follow up | Doris Doudet | Neurology | 2005 |
Biodistribution of PRE716 | Kenm Curry | Prescient | 2005 |
In vivo NMR measurements of tumour hypoxia using EF5 | Piotr Kozlowski | Radiology/Surgery | 2005 |
Magnetic Resonance Imaging in rat models of spinal cord injury | Piotr Kozlowski | Radiology/Surgery | 2005 |
The effect of wild type and mutant hungtintin on body composition | Michael Hayden | Centre for Molecular Medicine | 2005 |
Body Weight and Body Composition in ABCA1-deficient Mice | Michael Hayden | Centre for Molecular Medicine | 2005 |
Imaging Whole Body Lipid Localization in Mice with b-cell Specific Ablation of Leptin Receptor Signaling | Tim Kieffer | Surgery | 2005 |
Lifestyle Modifications Improve Vascular Dysfunction in Type-2 Diabetes | Ishmael Laher | Pharmaceutical Sciences | 2005 |
In vivo assessment of the effects of cesium chloride and sodium bicarbonate on pH levels within PC-3 tumors of nude mice | Emma Guns | Surgery | 2005 |
Examining the Tumour Microenvironment to Guide Treatment in Colorectal Cancer | Donald Yapp | BC Cancer Research | 2005 |
Perfusion rates in HER-2 overexpressing LCC6 tumours | Donald Yapp | BC Cancer Research | 2005 |
Cationic Liposomes loaded with Cu2+ as MR imaging agents for tumour vasculature | Donald Yapp | BC Cancer Research | 2005 |
Studies to assess the potential anti-obesity and/or weight loss properties of novel phytostanol analogues | Kishor Wasan | Pharmaceutical Sciences | 2005 |
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